Monday, April 30, 2012

Homemade Moveable Alphabet

I have always wanted to own a Montessori Moveable Alphabet because my dearest little boy is so obsessed with letters.  Sadly, I haven’t seen it here and if there’s such, we might not afford it. 

So I make use of of our printer and a white cardstock to make my own moveable alphabet without even purchasing a pdf file online.  I printed a few copies, laminated it, cut and tada!! We now have our very own moveable letters!


And because I couldn’t find any suitable storage box, I made this (see picture below) to hold our letters.  I marked the placeholder so it would be easy for my son to identify the letters.


Oh we are so happy that we get to do our pink and blue series with unlimited letters.  I realize that I should be printing more especially now that we’re doing blue series... which demands lots of c,h,s,t,k :)   It’s so nice to know that whenever we run out of letters, I’ll just have to print it!!


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Montessori Monday

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Clouds for Preschoolers (FREE nomenclature cards)

We have a week of wonderful weather, I grabbed the opportunity to discuss about clouds since we’ve been staying mostly outdoors.
I made 3-part cards of the different type of clouds.  As you can see, I only talked about basic type like the cumulus, stratus and cirrus.  Then I added those we mostly see here like contrails, fog and lenticulars.   You can download this homemade cards from here.
My son loves to hear me talked about mother nature.  Especially those of which he can easily relate to.  So after we discuss clouds... each day he would peek into our verandah and check on what type of clouds he sees!  It’s just amazing!
I also asked him if we could make cloud samples using cotton balls.  He got very excited.  We started with cirrus clouds.  I reminded him that cirrus clouds looks like feathers... so they should be thin.
This is what he comes up with.  He finds it difficult to glue thin layers of cottons though, they tend to stick together.  But I was glad that he was patient enough to produce the best cirrus cloud he make.
Then his favorite, the cumulus clouds.  DSC_0724 
And the stratus, and he did not forget to add his name.  He admire his work and asked me if we could show it to his Dad later. 
So this is the easiest way I could introduce clouds and their different types to my son.  We’ll be taking this one at a steps.  For now we’re doing basics, I plan to add more topics like water cycle and more types as he progress and old enough to digest these concepts.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flowers in Spring (Part Two)

It’s so difficult to write a post these days. (been busy with personal work).  Good thing I keep pictures so it’s for me to track back the activities we did on a specific day/week. 

Here’s the conclusion of our Flower Unit which we started a few weeks ago. 

We picked flowers and identify them.  We later on used them as paint brushes.  Read about it here.

flower1Another thing we did was make flowers out of cupcake cases.  We used do-a-dot markers to color each cases then let them dry.

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While for our flowers to dry up, Mavi painted the egg carton so we can use them as plant box.


We use pipe cleaners as stems and inserted some beads on it to add a more decors to our flowers.


The end product.  I realize that the cases were too big for our plant box, thus... it is no longer visible LOL.  He placed this in his bedroom window and admired it for a few days.


He worked on flower nomenclature cards and puzzle as well.

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Practical Life

Using clamp and chopstick trainer to transfer rose petals.   DSC_0644



Now this is exactly the reason why I always procrastinate to write any updates... we spend my free time outdoors!    It was just so timely that during the time we did our flower unit, we were blessed with a wonderful weather!

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Linking to: Montessori Monday

Monday, April 16, 2012

Flowers in Spring (Part One)

Flowers are blooming everywhere! My loves smelling daffodils, picking up dandelions and admiring cherry blossoms.  With his current interest, I pulled out a flower theme so I can make use of these interests.

Here’s a craft which was inspired by No Time For Flashcards.  The number corresponds to the number of petals in the flower.  Then he insisted on adding stems and leaves and grasses.



Then on sunny day, we explore the estate to pick up some flowers and identify some wildflowers as well.



Once at home, we identified each flowers and matched them to the ones in the books. (Books were borrowed from our library)



We also used some of the flowers as paint brushes for his artwork.



He managed to use the leaves as well :)DSC_0532

We such had a great time working with flowers!  Reminds me of myself wayyy back a long time ago... enjoying picking up flowers during summer with my friends as well. 

Happy Monday everyone!


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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chicks Addition Game

Last Easter my son and I had a wonderful time playing this “Where’s the Easter Card” game. Here I had 9 cards with numbers on it, I used chicks as counters and an Easter Card (not shown).


DSC_0448The mechanics of the game is similar to the ones played by Julie in the Adventures of Bear for “Where’s the Cake?” game.

Here, I hide the Easter card under a number card. Then I give him an addition problem to solve. The answer to the question is where the Easter card is hidden.


He puts the chicks on a container to count.


Here he is working on 4 and 4 is 8.


And can you see how happy he is when he guess it correctly?

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We love this game and he truly enjoyed it!

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