Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Continent: North America

This week, we worked on our North America unit.  Here’s what we did:

Read books.DSC_0450 Review our geography map and cards.



Studied the map of North America and identifying the countries by pinning flags.


Mavi reads the names of the countries on each flag.


I realize that it was hard to pin flags on Central America LOL


I enjoy seeing small hands in action.DSC_0497  I love to see concentration and dedication.


Our North America landmarks.  This is homemade. We also used our Safari Toob Around the World (not in the picture).  Here’s a link to download a copy of the landmarks.


Learn about the animals living in North America.  Here I made animal cards that goes with the Safari Toob North America Wildlife.  If you wish to have a copy of the card, you can download it from here.  I’m happy to share, but this is only for personal use.  The information written on the card were all resourced from the internet.DSC_0583

Our little moosie lost one of his horns :(DSC_0589

And we also studied the life of North American people in effect we were able to make a Navajo craft.  Read about it here

DSC_0536 Enjoy!

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Montessori Monday

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pablo Picasso and the Blue Period

We’re studying the works of Pablo Picasso as of the moment.  Currently, we’re exploring the “blue period”.  It’s amazing to discover that our reliable library got tons of art books for kids!  I got a few ones for myself and I only selected a few suited for my boy.  Here’s what he read had so far:


He wanted to paint the “blue” ones, its his favorite color.  So I gathered all the coloring materials we have that is blue or has a blue hue. 


He wanted to paint the windows, and he wanted to add some grass. And this is what he came up with.DSC_0606 

Then he said he wanted to paint the skies.DSC_0608 

Skies, in purple and blue.DSC_0609

Inspired by the “blue period”, his rendition of our backyard using crayons and pastels.


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Montessori Monday