Monday, October 29, 2012

Learning about Mushrooms

We’ve been seeing mushrooms around our estate so we just have to study it while they’re still everywhere.

P1080960Got these books from the library, I also borrowed books about seasons so we can talk about Autumn as well. 

We read the book of Fungus, and look at the different sizes and figures of mushrooms.


We worked on the parts of the mushroom.  


DSC_0813I made him draw some mushrooms and surprisingly, he manage to draw them according to what he learned from the parts of the mushroom. Like he always put a volva, ring and scales (see picture on the left).  And I asked him to draw a diagram.  He enjoyed doing the diagram and I would definitely integrate this in our future subjects.


Then we looked into the real thing. I would love to pick mushrooms from the yard but my DH asked me to just use the ones from the supermarket :)



He started removing the stalk, examining the inside of the mushroom.



He was really really that we did this.  Now he has an understanding of what mushrooms are, how they feel and how some are dangerous and some are perfect for pizza and pasta!


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Montessori Monday

Friday, October 26, 2012

Coral Reefs

EDIT: Because of problems with Scribd (charging for membership or something) I made a copy of the printable file HERE.
Got some interesting books from the library about the world of coral reefs and I whipped out a reef theme.
First we worked on the fishes in reef.  The animals are from Safari Toobs which I bought when we were in Singapore.DSC_0616
My printable for Coral Reef animals can be downloaded from here.    DSC_0704 Worked on the fish nomenclature card (homemade) for parts for the fish . 
Did the puzzle (homemade). We did this last year as well.
For crafts, we made fishes similar to that I’ve seen at I Heart Crafty Things.
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My son made a blue fish (Blue Tang), and the name is IAJ.
And here’re mine, of course it’s pink and I named it Holly.DSC_0712
We play with it for hours... pretending to swim around the house, going into corals and caves :)
The “ocean theme” is just an overwhelming topic.  So I might as dissect it into smaller subject so we can explore it thoroughly. This is an unplanned activity actually, so everything here is just “on the go”.  Will definitely revisit this topic and will dwell on it a little bit longer.  Reminds me to look for Aquatic museum around our area! Wish me luck!
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Montessori Monday

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Afternoon Walks

Learning about the world around us... and appreciating the gifts God has blessed us :)

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We’re loving autumn!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Green Series

We finally moved on the Green Series!  We started with sh, ch and th... my son did well with these sets.


I kept them on an envelope.


And we moved with a_e and i_e combination.  This is something new to him, so he’s a little challenged at the moment.DSC_0779

Will still revisit the Blue Series for spelling lessons.

For my materials, I got it from a very generous source. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Montessori Monday

Monday, October 22, 2012

Organic Shapes

After learning all about lines, we moved to learning about organic shapes!


I came across an artwork (sorry forgot the link), and was inspired with the artworks they did, and this is where I got the idea.  So I don’t take credit for this idea and creativity :) Promise to post the link if I encounter it again.

First we tear up free form shapes from a piece of paper.  We use our hands to tear the papers, I realize that it’s difficult and tiring, especially for him.   Then painted them as we like.  DSC_0568


I added borders on my organic shapes.  And added a few more details for the border.DSC_0572   My son wants to glue his organic shapes on a piece of black paper.  He wants to add details by writing letters (Oh he’s still obsessed with them!).


And here’s my work :)  Since I got black borders, I glued mine on a piece of white paper.

DSC_0583 The end products looks awesome! 


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Montessori Monday

Friday, October 19, 2012

Noah’s Ark

Discovered this wonderful book at the library!  This book contains Bible’s Old Testament stories and is accompanied by kids illustrations per story. P1080886

For this week, we had Noah’s Ark.  It’s so inspiring to see kids interpretation of the story.


So I tried it with my little boy. Here he is drawing the “big ship” of Noah.


He added animals (see the ones on the sides), added skies, birds.  P1080884

He painted two images on top of the ark... “that’s Noah and his friend”.P1080885

We will be doing this weekly, and would most probably incorporate Bible verses and my best resource would be Carisa’s blog of Raising Rock Star. 

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Montessori Monday