Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We’re starting Africa next week. I hope I can find time to create and prepare my materials.  I decided to try a different approach in teaching the continents/countries  as my current technique no longer works for my son. These days, he wants more action, I can’t seem to describe it but he wants “play” related.  So I hope this new plan of mine will make bring back his interest in geography.DSC_1606

Any tips?

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Montessori Monday

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One Snowy Day

All activities were put to a halt when it started snowing a few weeks ago.  Our after school activities would be mainly playing with the snow in the yard or in the open spaces at our estate. 


The little boy was ecstatic when he woke up one morning with our yard covered with snow.  He couldn’t wait to to go out and play, so we took him out for a little fun before heading to school.

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He couldn’t stop playing!   We’re happy we have plenty of open spaces for him to run around to enjoy the ice. Unfortunately, it started to rain and he doesn’t want to go back home after a few hours in the cold. I have to remind him that it’s not safe to stay too long in the freezing temperature.

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We started walking back home but by the time we reached our yard, it stopped raining and he wanted to play a little bit more and asked me if we could make a snow man.  


And so we did! I formed the snowman and he’s the one who added the details.  He was so happy and proud. That night he can’t stop telling his Dad all about his snowy day adventure and his snowman :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Poinsettia

Another activity that deserves a post :)  I love Poinsettia and we got lots of them during the holidays.  I remember growing up in the Philippines, my Mom would buy plastic Poinsettia as decorations at home.  I have never seen a real  one not until last year when we moved here.  Then I discovered that I owned a 3-part card of Poinsettia so I purchased the plant so we can have a real subject.DSC_1548


All the while I thought that the red leaves were flowers!  DSC_1568 


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Revisiting The Seven Continents

I love the fact that my son’s school is sending newsletter each month to parents regarding the things that the children will be exploring and the activities that comes with it.  For this month, they’re learning about the solar system and the continents, must be the reason why my son was so eager to do some geo-related works a few days ago.  Though we’ve done this a few times its always nice to revisit and review what he has learned so far.  

As usual, he always forgets to name “North America”. He knows the location but finds it difficult to name it.


It helps a lot of your kids learn how to read early on. Here he pins the labels of each continent to the map.  I used to read the labels to him before, but now he’s doing it by himself.


Then he wanted to place the animals to their “homes” based on the map.  So I reused a paper bag, sketched the continents and he started sorting his animal figures according to the continents in which they inhabit.  So timely since we will be exploring Africa soon.


In addition we started identifying the oceans for familiarization.  This is what we end up later on.  I wanted to make something like this but I realized that it would eat up all my time and energy so I might probably look for a more easy way to make a world map inspired by Montessori.  But Leptir’s work is such an inspiration!


More Geography units to come!

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Montessori Monday

Monday, January 14, 2013

Asia ~ Philippines

During the holiday break, my son had been learning all about our home country.  He had this sudden interest of learning the language and eager to learn our local songs.  So I had been playing Christmas songs in Filipino and been exposing him to our local shows as well.  As of now he has learned 5 Filipino songs, and can speak a few Tagalog words.

Learning about a country starts with the familiarity of its location on the map and how it looks like.


Hands on learning of the Philippine flag together with some play money (Peso).  Had to show him a miniature of our local fishing boat as most of our people are fishermen and a jeepney which is our country’s mode of public transportation.


And a bunch of cards and books about fruits, landmarks etc. I purchased these books during our vacation and they were mostly folktales and stories I have read during my primary years. My son loves to listen to these stories and insist that I should read them in Tagalog (our national language).


At home, I mostly cook Filipino dishes.  Among my son’s favorite are Adobo, Sinigang and Crispy Fried Dilis (Anchovy).


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 Montessori Monday

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy happy new year dear readers! 

How’s everyone’s vacation?  Hope you and your family had a lovely time during the holiday break :)  I know most of you are anticipating a new post, but unfortunately, the Mommy (that’s me!) is still on vacation mode (LOL) and we only had a few random activities that aren’t post worthy.  And there’s still some work to be at home, like putting down our tree (not my favorite thing to do!), and some workers are coming here tomorrow to fix our water heater and tank (argh). 

But despite the fact that there’s a lot of things to be done in the next few weeks, I still long to start home “schooling” again.  It’s what I love to do and there’s never a day that I don’t think  about it.

For a head start, here’s what we’re having this JANUARY

  • Science: Space and the Solar System
  • Geography:  Africa
  • Artist Study:  Michaelangelo
  • Math:  Clock and Fractions
  • Language:  Finish Green Series of Montessori Language, Spelling

There are just the MAJOR topics I want to accomplish this month.  In conjunction, we’re also doing worksheets (Singapore Math and the ones I bought locally), get lots of outdoor activities/ free play when the weather permits, and do random arts and crafts.

We’re gradually settling back to our old routine, and will definitely share some stuff the soonest :)

Thank you dear readers for a good 2012 and cheers to a much fruitful and enjoyable 2013!