Monday, September 30, 2013

Bat, Owl and Spider Nomenclature Cards

Happy October 1st everyone!  It's the Halloween month and my son is just too excited for this year's trick or treating!

Have you started doing Halloween themed activities yet?  Well to spice your month, I've come up with these nomenclatures cards perfect for studying these animals that are popular during this time of the year :)  Just click on the images below for the file's link.

The Bat: 14 Parts of the Bat in nomenclature cards and definition booklet

The Bat Preview

The Owl:  18 Parts of the Owl in nomenclature cards and definition booklet

 The Owl Preview

The Spider:  8 Parts of the Spider in nomenclature cards and definition booklet

 The Spider Preview

More to come this week:  Human Skeleton and Pumpkin.  Have to visit a Euro shop to get my miniatures :)  Excited!

And for more downloads of learning materials, come and visit The Pinay Homeschooler Shop and Downloads.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Basic Shapes for Kids (FREE Cards)

They were doing shapes in school so I was thinking that we should review our shapes at home too.   I made this FREE printable so we can do a hands-on and at the same time do some matching: shape, name and number of sides. Unfortunately, he couldn't wait.  When he saw the printed materials he wanted to work on it already.DSC_1402

Using the craft sticks I got from the craft store few years ago, he formed the shapes just as in the cards. I made a point that the rectangle has two longer sides that's why he has to connect two sticks to make them longer so he can form a rectangle.



I made him use white felt mat so the sticks won't slip on the table.  (Click the image below for the link)


(Click the image for the link)

A close look of my FREE printable. The shapes are color coded to match the color of the sticks that we have.


Once cut, this is how you can work on with the matching activity.  Let your child identify the shape, match the label or the sides.


And for writing and spelling practice, an activity sheet is also included in the file.

For more FREEbies and learning materials, check The Pinay Homeschooler Shop and Downloads.

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
I Can Teach My Child

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Coming in October!

Here's a sneak peak of what we're going to have next month, in time for the Halloween season :)

  • Owl
  • Pumpkin
  • The Human Skeletal System
  • Spider (my son scared of spiders!)
  • Bat

Each one comes with nomenclature cards and definition booklet. 

halloween preview

Oh I can't wait to use them already! Excited!

Monday, September 23, 2013

There's nothing like... AUSTRALIA (Part II)

This post is waaaay past its due date LOL  We've been busy for the past few days and I can't seem to include this in my schedule.  Good thing, it is a school day today and the little guy is in school and that gives me enough time to write about the second part of our Australia study.

To start with, we discuss about the animals that can be seen in Australia. 


Using the Animals of Australia/Oceania Nomenclature and Fact Cards and the Safari Toob Down Under, we talked about the habitats and the diets of these animals, juxtaposed to the biomes as well.



And there's the Parts of a Kangaroo (Nomenclature and Definition Booklet).  (Click the picture for the link)

the kangaroo copy

And Mavi continued working on the identification of the body parts and added labels onto it.

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We discuss biomes as well, which is something new to him and he loves it! Read about here.


We work on the activity sheets that is included in My Adventure Book: Australia

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Map works

For the studying the map, again using My Adventure Book: Australia, we talked about the different states and territories of Australia and he worked on the activity sheet which I provided. (He's obsessed with coloring as of the moment) iDSC_1370 


I gave him options on how to go about the flag and he wanted to paint it :) 


Aboriginal Arts

We did these few days ago.


Postcard from Australia

And lastly,we created our postcard to send it to a friend.

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Activity sheets, maps and information pages of Australia that was used in this study is all in My Adventure Book (Australia/Oceania).

Other related stories for studying Australia as a country and continent:

There's nothing like... Australia (Part I)

Biomes of Australia

Aboriginal Arts

Continent Study: Australia

My Adventure Book (Australia/Oceania)


For more FREEbies, learning aids and downloads, please visit The Pinay Homeschooler Shop and Downloads

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
I Can Teach My Child

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Biomes of Australia

I made these "biomes mat" based on the My Adventure Book (Australia/Oceania) for hands-on learning.  It's made up of felt paper glued on a cardstock for durability.  Then I printed pictures for each biomes so my son will have an idea how they actually look like.  I also added handwritten labels.


The objects of the activity are:

  • to identify the biomes of Australia
  • to distinguish the difference of each biome (I used the description chart included in the book I mentioned above)
  • to sort out the the animals of Australia based on its habitat-biome it thrives (Animals of Australia / Oceania)

These are the animals cards we used (Animals of Australia / Oceania).


And for the animals, I used the Safari Toob Down Under.


And here's my son working on the activity.  I looooovee how effective this technique is, because if I would just use worksheets first and just talk about biomes without a hands-on activity, for sure I won't get his attention.  But this one, he loves sorting the animals and the felt mats really helped!

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For more printables and downloads, you can visit The Pinay Homeschooler Shop and Downloads.

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama

Monday, September 16, 2013

Aboriginal Arts

You've been following me on Facebook, I've shared pictures of our work of Aboriginal arts.  This is still in line with our Australia study (Part I here). Sorry if some pictures are dark as we've been doing the activities late in the afternoon.

To start with, we talked about the Aborigines of Australia and how they use paintings or artworks to communicate.  I used our trusted iPad to check some pictures of the artworks and made my son choose which one he wanted to replicate (he wanted the turtle).



I also pointed out that most arts of the Aborigine people uses the technique of Pointillism.  We talked about how we can execute it using the back of pencils or using Qtips/buds. 

When we're done studying the pictures, we started making our version as well.  Here we used red background with contrasting colors for the dots.

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Another day he asked if we could do it again.  And this time I printed out from a random Google search a ready made art for him to color.


We allowed all the artworks to dry and here's how they look like now that they're dry.  The one on the upper left is my work :)


My son enjoyed the painting, especially with animals on it.   The problem is that he doesn't like pointillism, for he gets tired after making a few dots. 

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
I Can Teach My Child

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Adventure Book (Australia/Oceania)

Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that the link to my newest file:  My Adventure Book (Australia/Oceania) is finally up! It features two countries from the said continent and they are Australia and New Zealand.  We basically use this for our geography/continent/country study.

Backstory:  My son loves travelling, he has been crossing continents for 5 years and because of this he's interested on world maps and locations of the countries we're visiting.  He is fascinated with the cultures, the language and just about anything about a country.  So when we watched the movie UP, he was so inspired by the concept of the adventure book.  He told me if he could have one so he can draw/scribble his adventures whenever we travel.  And that's were I came up with the idea of making a guide or an information booklet of certain countries that he would like to go to (or even with just play pretend).


So first in the series is Australia and New Zealand.  Here are the contents of My Adventure Book:

  • Fact sheets
  • Meaning and use of the country's flag and coat of arms



  • Maps of the country (political/state/regional/territories), biomes and landmark locations



  • Description of the landmarks
  • Animals of Australia and New Zealand
  • Famous people from each country
  • Famous cuisine/food from each country or foods originating from each country


  •     DIY Postcards, images for coloring (including the flags) and postage stamps, VISA, immigration stamps for play pretend


  • And lots of activity sheets! 



I am happy of the contents of the mini-book and the topics I have included are not too much or not too little for my son to handle. See how we use it here.

The file has 55 pages and costs for only $3.  You can now avail it  if you click on any of the pictures posted above or if you visit my website (see Geography:Australia/Oceania) : The Pinay Homeschooler Shop and Downloads

Thank you so much everyone... and for those who are interested, hope you like it as much as we do!

PS. North America is coming soon ! It will feature three countries so watch out for it as well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

There's nothing like... AUSTRALIA (Part I)

Hello everyone!! It's been a productive week so far :)  I'm so excited to share with you our little adventure to Australia, the homeschooling way.  90% of the ideas here comes from my son, so I am just giving him what he wants.  For him, this is just play pretend but little does he know that he's also learning!

So to start with, here's what I made and prepared for him:   'My Adventure Book (Australia/New Zealand)' which I will launch tomorrow, so please watch out for it :)  and his pretend passport.  The passport is not that fancy.  I simply printed a cover page out of the coat of arms of our country and put titles on it.  I used maroon cardstock as a cover because it is the color of our passport. The information page is also based on our passport and the rest of the pages are just blank.  Sorry if I have to distort the information to keep my son's privacy :)


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And since we need VISA for Australia, I made Visa and immigration stamps (entry and exit) to make our little adventure more "believable".  These are included in My Adventure Book package. 


I made a map... just the outline and printed it in a brown cardstock.  This way, Mavi will be familiar of the shape of Australia and the flag was just from a random Google search.  The figures are from Safari Toob, and I included a coral and scuba diver to represent the Great Barrier Reef. 


Before setting out for an adventure, we talk about Australia in general.  I have that in My Adventure Book which includes important facts and information about Australia, the flag, the state map and biomes map.


Okay, I so made him prepare his luggage / backpack for this trip :)  Made sure that he has his book in his back including his passport.  Promise to next time, take a photo of him with his "paraphernalia" :)

Set-up:  On the first day of his adventure, upon his arrival in Australia (reference to his My Adventure Book) first thing is to travel across the country to see the famous landmarks.  So I place the cards (see Landmarks of Australia/Oceania) around the house for him to "pretend" that he's visiting the different places.  The exact location of these landmarks are included in My Adventure Book.

Landmarks of Australia Preiew

   (Click the picture for the link)



As he discover the cards of the landmarks around the house we discuss what is so special about the place and the activities that we can do there (like in Great Barrier Reef we pretend to go scuba diving).  I made sure that before we embark to another landmark, we review it's location on the map so that he'll be aware of how far these landmarks are from each other.

We got so tired after this activity so I told him that it's time to "fill up some forms" regarding his trip and he'll do the rest of the activities the next day.  In reality, I wanted him to work on the activity sheets LOL.

Example of the sheets that's included in the book are:

Landmark locations.  Mavi here is identifying the locations of the landmark.  I only have 5 landmarks in the activity sheet as I don't want to overwhelm him.  If you want more, you can use the Landmarks of Australia/Oceania Nomenclature Cards for further study of the other places.


Favorite Place.  Out of the 5 landmarks, he has to pick his favorite place, draw them and explain why he likes it.


The flag. And of course, there's the flag. We discuss the meaning of the country's flag and its colors.    You can also check my Australia/Oceania Pin Map and Nomenclature Cards for further study of the other flag in the Australia/Oceania continent (not just Australia).


 Aussie Flag Preview

   (Click the picture for the link)



And lastly, while we rest, we watched a couple of Youtube videos about Australia and the places we've learned so far.  Here are the links:

Sydney Opera House


Uluru/Ayers Rock (in the Outback)


Great Barrier Reef



The Pinnacles

Kangaroo Island


I have to say that at the end of the day, my son has absorbed all the things that he has learned on this 'pretend' adventure.  He can name 5 landmarks, describe what is Australia, its flag and the colors and the biomes (though we still have to dig deeper on this).  Learning about a country is so much fun if you play pretend of really going on an adventure on that place :)

Next we'll do animals, biomes, food and famous people and crafts/paintings of the Aborigines.  And please do come again tomorrow or follow me on Facebook for the link of My Adventure Book (Australia and New Zealand)... just one of the many series I'm going to publish before the year ends :)

Thank you!

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
I Can Teach My Child
All Things Beautiful: History and Geography