Friday, December 6, 2013

December Update :)

Hello! It's been a long time since my last post. As most of you know, we recently welcome the newest member of our little family and he's the reason why I haven't been on a the web lately.  My time is mostly spent nursing, and taking good care of the 3 boys.  And the fact that my Mom and sister in law are here for the holidays, we're skipping a few after school activities.

Anyway, here's a brief update on what we've been doing so far:

Weekends, my little family would visit parks to enjoy the good weather.


We also had a Mexican Unit.  I already posted the first part.  The second part of our Mexican Unit were mostly crafts and worksheets.

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Then for Math, we're doing Snake Game...



and learning about quantities using math cubes: greater than, smaller than, one more than the other etc.


Language, we're using moveable objects for our blue and green series.  I will talk more about on this soon.

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Mavi's busy with his Nativity Play.  He has a big role on it so he practices his line every day as well as reading lots of Christmas books :)


And as for me and hubby, we're busy raising a family :)


I am currently planning our 2014 activities and will share it once I'm done. It's a flexible plan and will serve as a guide.  With a new baby, anything can happen and change on the fly... so it is always best to have a guide. 

Taking pictures would also be challenge as I nurse little X most of the time.  So I'll attempt to "copy" the technique of Mari Ann of Counting Coconuts by taking pictures ahead of time so my hands will be free during the actual activity.