Friday, August 31, 2012

Navajo Cheerios Painting

We’re currently working on our North America unit.  To understand a little bit of American history, we made this “cheerios” painting.  This idea came from this book: 


It contains lots of comprehensive introduction to American history, a peek at what the people eat and drinks, how they are dressed, their beliefs and how society was organized.  Among the projects in the this book, my son picked the designing of a Navajo.

It is said that healers from the Navajo tribe create paintings using colored sand.  And it is believed that these creations had the power to cure illness.   DSC_0547

Because we don’t have colored sand, we pulverized cheerios.  


Now I made a design in an art paper.  I placed the cheerios in a muffin paper.  As a guide, I place number on the shapes that are going to have the same color.  Then spread glue into the shapes of color number 1.


I made my son cover the glue using the desired powderized cheerios.  We did this with the rest of the shapes/colors. He loves filling the glue with cheerios, he was very particular with the colors mixing.  I was telling him it’s okay because it’s unavoidable.

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I just love seeing little hands in action!DSC_0540 

His favorite part, lifting the paper and shaking off the excess powders.DSC_0542

We let it dry for a few hours and here’s what we ended up with.  A Navajo tribe healing painting :)DSC_0544

Happy crafting!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Internal Organs: Puzzle and Nomenclature Cards

This is my last post of my Human Body series.

After we go about the internal organs, I made my son do this puzzle which I bought when we were in Singapore.  It’s actually an eraser LOL and I got it for less than a dollar :)DSC_0397 He loves puzzles!

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And then we worked on the nomenclature cards which I got from Montessori Print Shop.


Hope you enjoy our Human Body unit study!  Hope to be more creative the next time we visit this unit ;)

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Internal Organs of the Human Body

This is the second part of our unit study of the Human Body.  After we have formed our Skeletal System, I introduced to Mavi the internal organs of the human body.  We started with the brain of course...

BRAIN.  I printed a black and white image of the brain and colored it to save ink.  I talked about how important the our brain is, how it controls every senses we have and affects how we think or respond to certain event.  And I added that it is very delicate that’s why we should avoid banging our head so as not to damage the brain.

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LUNGS.  Our lungs looked funny because they were too small LOL.  Important thing for him to remember her is that we use our lungs to breath. 

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Then I showed him how lungs work using a plastic.  He can’t resist though and wanted to try it too.

DSC_0391HEART.  Heart pumps the blood in our body and that it produces a beating sound.  This part he loves the most... listening to my heartbeat! I just hope he still recognizes that sound... he’s listening to it for months while he’s in womb :)


LIVER, STOMACH, INTESTINES.  This part seems a little complicated to him.  I just described this system on a level of a 4yr old :)DSC_0390

BLADDER.  The organ that holds the urine (waste water) is the bladder.  He’s interested with it because he’s always curious how and why he urinates. DSC_0392

These are the basic organs that I think are essential for my son to learn as he keeps on asking about his body.  I think it’s not that much though... I just picked the ones I know his brain can digest easily.  We’ll definitely revisit this subject next year! 

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Montessori Monday

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Skeletal System


My son has been fascinated with the human skeletal system.  He’s been singing Dem Bones for months now and enjoys the skeleton dance.  With this, I decided to throw a human body system unit so he can have an overview of what he is made of.
There’s the books which I got from the library.  I am so thankful for our wonderful library, they have an amazing collection of fiction and non fiction books for kids!
Then I downloaded the human skeletons from Game Crafts Coloring.  I picked this one among the others I encountered on the net because the bones here are easier to cut and they’re sized for my little boy.  First he figure out how to connect the bones... of course with a little guidance from me.  As we do this, we discuss how each bones differ from each other and how they function.
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Once we’re done, we glue each of them on a brown paper.  Here I used the bag of a paper bag. 
As we glue, he got so excited that he wanted to position his body just beside the skeleton.LOL.DSC_0365
Once we’re done, I gave brief introduction about the internal organs and how each are positioned inside the body.  By the time we get to the digestive system.... he lost his interest (might be tired already) so I decided to stop the activity.
We continued the activity the next day... will talk about it on my next post.
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Monday, August 20, 2012

Learning about LINES

My son enjoyed making different lines using marker pens.  Next would be using paints :)


Source:  The ABCs of Art

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Visit to the Zoo

A few weeks ago, we visited the city zoo.  Mavi has been asking about it for a long time now and since husband was on leave we just have to grab the opportunity see the animals while it’s still summer.

We have been to 4 zoos in the past three years, and they’re all in different places.  Will tell you about it soon.  And by far, he enjoyed this one the most.   I love the zoo, and it’s not just my son who enjoys seeing the animals but its me and my husband too.  Just like this one, it’s our first encounter with a white rhinos and gorillas.  We were so enthralled!  They were even more beautiful in person rather than in books!

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The zoo has mini-conservatories as well.  They have this house that preserves the furs of lions and tigers.  My son had a great time ‘feeling’ their furs.  


And they have displays of some animal skulls.  Here they have the skulls of zebra, giraffe, chimpanzee, crocodile etc.


And of course, what made my son even more happier is encountering a human skeleton!! He loves it to bits!


Then before we headed home, we passed by the “Farm” area... and here kids are allowed to feed the farm animals.  Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the cow milking session.  My son would have like participating on it :)  Oh well, maybe next time.


I don’t usually share or talk about our trips because I wanted to keep it private.  But some readers have asked me if there are some things that we also do aside from homeschool activities. 

Of course we do have a lot of fun things whenever the weather permits!! Whenever it’s safe to go outside (am talking about the weather), we definitely go out and play some ball, or go to playgrounds, or somewhere else other than the 4 corners of our house LOL.  We travel as well too. 

Anyway, will share about it soon.

Happy Thursday everyone!

3D Shapes

We had a short vacation last week thus the absence of homeschool activities. We had so much fun exploring the beautiful sites of the north, visited the zoo and a lot more.  Will share it here soon!

Anyway, Mavi and I made some models for our 3D shapes lesson.  But it seems that the little guy was more interested in making cards for his friends and applying glitter glues on it.



We waited for it to dry up. And here they are...


Too bad I couldn’t make a sphere!  As you can see, my son wrote letters on it LOL.  We sorted out the printables that I got from Montessori Printshop.


Using these models, I’m happy that he can now distinguish 3d shapes with the plain ones.  And it is surprising that he memorizes the name of all the models that we created!


SourcePatterns for the 3D models are all from Paper Models of Polyhedra

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