Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Volcanoes! (FREE Picture Cards!)

My son's class worked on volcanoes a few weeks ago.  They talked about Mt. Vesuvius and watched videos of the eruption.  During their circle time they made a volcano and made it erupt.  He can’t stop talking about it for days!

Anyway, he was begging me to do it at home so I just have to give in.  

But first we looked at pictures of volcanoes around the world and talked about “active” volcanoes.  (Click the picture to download)

                  volcano1 Volcano2

Then we worked on the parts of the volcano, which he was familiar already (thanks to Montessori school!).

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And to conclude our activity we made a volcano using a spice bottle, some plasticine, foil and the volcano recipes. My son added Astronaut figures LOL.


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Look at the mess! It’s a good thing I contained them in a tray :) 


Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beginning, Vowel and Ending Sound Worksheets

Remember this free worksheet that I shared last year? Well it was a big hit and I’ve been getting a lot of requests from my dear readers :)


(Click the picture for the link)


Good news is that, I finally completed the file and it is now available for only 1.5USD!  How affordable is that?

The file contains the following:

  • 84 pictures with missing beginning sound
  • 84 pictures with missing vowel sound
  • 84 pictures with missing ending sound
  • 84 pictures with missing beginning and ending sound
  • Master list that shows all the pictures with the completed words

cvc worksheet

(When purchasing, no sign-in or membership needed!)


How to prepare:

1.  The file is set to LETTER SIZE.  To save ink and paper, you can print them 2 PAGES PER SHEET if you are printing on an A4 paper.   That’s what I did actually because I was running out of ink.


2.  Laminate or cover them with contact paper so you can still reuse them.  Use DRY ERASE PENS if you are using this method.  Else, you can use a pencil if you don’t intend to laminate them.

We’ve been using this for quite a while now and my son loves them! 

Hope you will love and enjoy it as much as we do!   Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Repurposing Flashcards: Shapes and Colors

When Mavi was about 1, I had these flashcards which was given to me by a friend.  I couldn’t find any use for them at that time because Mavi wasn’t into flashcards.  He easily gets bored with them.  So what I did was use it as a control card for sorting. 

First I made a replica of all the shapes in the cards using a cardstock.  I made sure that the shape cut-outs will have the same color and size to the ones on the flash cards.  



Then I presented the cards to Mavi as I introduce the shapes.  I started with only 2 or 3 shapes so he won’t get overwhelmed.    Then as I place the cut-outs, I instructed him to match them with flashcards. 

It was really interesting because I’ve witnessed the level concentration my son had on sorting.  He examined the shapes well, eyeing each card carefully  then cautiously place the cut-outs on the correct control card.  I didn’t interfere, I just sat there and observe him as he sorted out the shapes.  There were instances he gets confused, then that’s the time I offered my assistance.  And as he progressed, he started developing his own technique in sorting, which as really an amazing thing to watch from a 1.5 years old. 


So you might want to try this in case you have excess flashcards and have no idea on how to repurpose it in your home “school”.

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

FREE Printables!

As promised, here are the links to my freebies.  These are for those who can’t access Scribd :)


The files can be downloaded by clicking the links below:

Arctic Animals

South American Plants

South American Animals

North American Animals

Coral Reef Animals





Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Update!

Hi everyone!  Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 

Thanks for all the wishes :)  Migraine days were over, but now I have cough (itchy throat) and a runny nose :(  I’m still trying to get enough rest… so please bare with me as I’m taking a short blogging break.

BUT the good news is, I’m placing a copy of all my FREEBIES from Scribd to Google Drive so that everyone can access it!!  I will give the links this week so watch out for it :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sick :(

I've been sick for the past few days and am trying to avoid the screen to alleviate my migraine.  I promise to come back with more interesting activities and exciting freebies the moment I feel better :)  

Thank you!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Color Your Homeschool with Pasta!

So there’s so much you cian do with pasta :)  It was once a favorite learning tool in our home. Since I’m quite frugal, I barely give him toys from stores unless necessary, instead I made use of what we in kitchen (LOL) to save money and to be practical as well.

With that said, I made these colorful (rainbow) pasta when Mavi was just a teeny weeny.  We used it in so many ways! And here’s how I done it:

Gather various shapes of pasta like bowtie, penne, Rotelle, macaroni, shells etc.  Then measure the right amount of pasta you wanted to use and put them in a zipper bag (Ziploc).  Add around 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 5-10 drops of food coloring into the bag.  Close the bag, and mix (shake the bag) until everything is covered with color.  Leave the pasta inside the bag for 5-10 minutes.  To dry them up, cover a tray with cookie sheet or kitchen towel.  Carefully pour the colored pasta and spread them in single layer.  And that’s just about it!


So here’s how we use them:

1.  For color sorting activity.  I have this egg carton box which I painted with watercolor :)  He matches the pasta to that of the color in the egg box.

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2.  Stringing and Beading.  Good for penne pasta :)

         DSC_0582[4] DSC_0583[3]

3. Playdough Tower

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4.  Counters.  Again using an egg carton box as our tray.  I wrote numbers at the bottom of the box and he’ll put the right amount of pasta based on the number written. 

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Those rainbow pasta are really beautiful!  How I miss them :)

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Preschool Corner

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Counting by Tens

Hello readers! I mentioned earlier in my previous post that we will be doing A LOT of  math activities for this month.  With that, we started with skip counting. 

Based on my experience, this is something he is not really interested with.  So to get his attention I used his favorite toy (Lego) to demonstrate counting by tens.

First I made him stack 10 square Legos which he gladly did. I explained that 1 stack of Lego consist of 10 Lego squares. 


And I proceeded with 2 stacks of Lego.  Explained that there are 2 tens now, and 2 tens is twenty all in all.


And I made him put 3 stacks of Legos, asked him how many tens are there.  He counted the stacks and answered 3.  Then I explained that 3 tens is thirty.


We did this till we reached 80 because I ran out of Legos.  LOL.


And then we counted the numeral numbers by tens. I really don’t expect him to grasp the concept yet.  I just want him to be familiar with skip counting, that there are “shortcuts” in counting, that we don’t have to count each Lego squares one by one because it would be tiring. 

Now we’ll do counting by 2’s and 3’s next which I think he is more familiar with since I count by 2’s whenever we tidy up his animal figures.

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

FREE Playdough Mats (Numbers and Letters)

I’m currently cleaning up my hard drives and I came across old files that were used during Mavi’s tot years :) Some of which are these play dough mats which I customized because I wanted something plain, smaller and requires less ink. So what I did was create my own version, and I added number play dough mats as well.


So if you are interested, you can grab a copy of it for FREE by clicking the links below.  And if someone wishes to have a copy kindly direct them back here to my site. Enjoy!

Number Playdough Mats

Letter (Upper and Lower letters) Playdough Mats


Linking to:

Montessori Monday
Preschool Corner
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me

Monday, March 4, 2013

The City at Night

This idea was from Deep Sparkle.  This is a great activity and a perfect way to practice cutting and pasting skills.

First we made our background by creating swirls and spots.

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Mine is on the left side and my son selected blue and purple for his background.


While we wait for our paints to dry, Mavi cut some small pieces of squares/rectangles for our windows. 


An hour later, we added skyscrapers to our background using black art paper (sorry no picture as my hands were busy).

Then I let my son paste the small squares  on our skyscrapers.  I explained that at night you cannot usually see the exterior of the buildings, what you see are just shadows (thus it’s black). So what you can see are the windows that are lit from inside.

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Here’s Mavi’s work.  He’s still adding some details :)


And here’s mine.  I didn’t get to design my own skyscrapers as he did mine too LOL.



Linking to:

Montessori Monday
Preschool Corner
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Math and March

For this month, we will be doing more Math activities.  I admit that I’ve been neglecting it for awhile but I realize how much I miss doing it with my son while I looking at some of our previous activities.  We do Math using Singapore Math workbooks which a friend has sent me, but working with worksheets aren’t my son’s favorite thing to do.  So for March, we’ll slow down with Geography and other themed activities… instead we’ll revisit our bead works, skip counting, measuring activities, practice writing numbers, practice counting and more :)

I may pop a few artist study along the way and some painting activities.

We’ll also be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day… we might go down to the city to watch the parade :)  And we’ll be observing Lent as well, learning more about the love of Christ and how He dedicated His life teaching the word of His Father.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

Friday, March 1, 2013

More Dino Activities (Free Activity Sheets)

Aside from this, we also explored the world of dinosaurs through the books we borrowed from the library.  DSC_0469


Play the pattern game and graphing game from the dinosaur pack I downloaded from 2 Teaching Mommies.



Oh he loved the graphing game!  We used his Legos this time. Last year, we used easter eggs (pretend that it was dinosaur eggs!).


And there’s the playdough of course :)


Last year we also had an exciting activity, we pretended to be scientists and excavate dinosaurs using my dino sensory tub


Because my son loves his dino toobs so much, I made him a few more activity sheets and since I love my readers, I’m sharing it well.  It includes graphic game using some dinosaurs as seen here, and grid game sheet which my son and I enjoyed playing as well. 

                       dino_act1 dino_act2



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Montessori Monday
Preschool Corner
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me