Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Continent ~ Africa [2]

We also worked on animal skin prints.  It was fortunate that I couldn’t find printable skin prints that we could work on, and it resulted to an even more exciting activity:  we made the skin prints all by ourselves!   DSC_0395

I gathered a few African animal figures with interesting skins and we draw the skin print of each.  As seen here, we’re doing the Hyena’s spotty skin.


And the zebra as well.


Then we check out the books I borrowed from our library.  We discuss the culture, traditions and lifestyle of African people using the images in the book.  Such as seen below, most women are wearing bead necklaces.DSC_0365

He was amazed of this wooden scooter!  DSC_0368

We also worked on African animals using our animal figures and the cards which I got from Montessori Print Shop.     


Books I got from the library.  We were able to learn how to count in Swahili using one of the books below.


Linking to:

Montessori Monday


  1. I love the animal prints! What great ideas you have!!

  2. What a fabulous activity! That was definitely a blessing that you couldn't find animal skin prints. Your handmade ones look great!

  3. I love your texture/animal match-up! What a clever activity! Thanks for linking up at TGIF! Hope to see you linked up again tomorrow =)
