Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Plans for April

I’m trying to make my plans simple this month to make it achievable. 

Language. Wrapping-up Green Series by reviewing phonograms.  This also means a visit to the library to pick-up some reading books (age appropriate) with digraphs and phonograms for Mavi to practice.

Math. We’ll focus on addition this month, putting away worksheets for awhile.  We’ll do some writing/spelling practice as well (numbers in words)

Geography.  My son’s class are having South America this month, but since we’ve done it already…. we’ll do Europe this month.

Science.  Since its springtime, we’ll have animals and their youngs (animal farm families), birds and life cycles.

Art.  We’re doing Color Theory.

This is more than enough for this month LOL.  Oftentimes, we skipped some activities because we spend our afternoons outdoors when the weather is really nice.  I still prefer the outdoors, exploring things, him running around, scooting and climbing trees, playing with his friends and spending some time at the library as well.

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