Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Afterschool Activities for January

When it comes to planning for our home schooling, I make it a point that I don't put too much on the amount of activities we need to achieve in a week. 

So what I do is to allot one goal per subject in a month and if we finish early and still have some spare time, we would just revisit our past lessons or start the next month's lesson.

We only have a few more weeks left and I wish to finish these all up.


We are wrapping up our Blue Series review using moveable object and our tracing and spelling worksheets.



  • Montessori Tens and Teens

We will work on this for the entire month including word association and more.  Will talk about it on my next post. 

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We are currently doing an Arctic and Antarctic theme.



I have to admit I have no idea on what to do next on this subject.  Right now, we're just reading the Katie series book which my son and I love.  These are wonderful books for introducing artists and their works for little children.


Because I am still contemplating on what to do, I will be using these books for planning our monthly Artist Study.




We are using this book which I read at night.  Homeschool Creations has a fabulous printable packs that is in line with the book. I have to find time to download and print those!

My son attends a Catholic school so I'm happy that what we're teaching him at home is in line with the learnings he receives in school.


And these are the things we're doing as of the moment.  Will be sharing my plans (and online resources) for the month of February next week. Stay tuned!

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