Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Serenity at the Beach

Our little family was at the beach last weekend for rest and recreation and to get-away from the four corners of our little house.

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It was a beautiful day.  Mavi enjoyed the rocks and sand.   

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See that hill at the far end of the beach? We went up there.


The view is sooo beautiful from up there!   DSC_0557

And just before we headed home, we saw these swans flocking at the parking lot.  Again, Mavi couldn't be even more happier!


And our little boy, he's happy and contented witnessing all these while in his buggy.


Thanking God for these kids and for my family.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh, wow - what a beautiful view! :)

  2. Very cute! You have a great blog with beautiful pictures and activities! Thank you for everything! From Shannon in Miami, Florida, USA :)

  3. Thank you for the kind words :) The places is indeed beautiful, and we'll be back there this summer.
