Monday, September 1, 2014

Bright Beaming Toddler Week 1

Mavi is 16 months old.

Theme: Cow | Vocabulary: Calf | Shape: Square | Letter: A | Number: 1 |Nursery Rhyme: Hey, Diddle Diddle



Theme: Cow
Vocabulary Word: Calf
I introduced the theme by showing pictures of cows from book and pictures which I printed out.  He immediately recognized the cow and said “cow” without a hint from me.  At this stage he also loves to point out letters which he recognizes like c,a and o.  So everytime we encounter the word cow, we say the sounds of the letters.  He is also proficient in speaking the world calf.  He would say it as “cahhffff”, exaggerating letter F. 



Shape: Square
He loves looking at the picture of a square, and holding the object as well which was from Playskool Shape Sorter.  He can’t pronounce it yet, he just keeps on saying “ker”.    As part of the suggested activity, we walked around the house and looked for square objects.  We pointed to to floor tiles, counting the sides of the square and some stuff we found at the kitchen as well (biscuits).





Letter: A
Mavi knows the letter A already, so this day was a breeze.   The activities didn't consume much of my time so I get to work some chores. I wrote the small and capital letter side to side and made him color it. The problem is that, my little boy doesn't like scribbling/shading, so after 10 seconds of holding the crayon and scribbling in any direction he immediately got bored. So I ended up doing the activity :)



Number: 1 / One
This is the first time that I'm teaching him a number. To introduce the number, I did a similar approach to the letter A, I wrote the number 1 on a paper adding a label on it, and on the side of a paper I drew one dot. I told him "one", he said "an". I showed him the dot on the side, made him feel it by feeling the dot with his fingers on the colors.
We also wrote the number 1 over and over again on a piece of paper. I made him hold the crayons, and made him write the number 1 on a piece of paper, of course I'm doing the writing I just guide his hand.

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Good thing we have this 1-2-3 toy form fitter again. He can identify the number 1 and now knows how to put the number in the right hole. Unlike before, he doesn't know what to do with this toy. So now, he keeps doing it over and over again, dropping the number 1 on the hole.



Nursery Rhyme:  Hey Diddle Diddle
Nothing much on nursery rhyme, it's just a repetitive recital of the poem. Even though we already have this rhyme on his book, I still printed it out and put it on the book just for documentation purposes.


Learning Wall

Since I haven't found a poster material, for the mean time, I used our wall for this week.

IMG_0821_exposure (1)


Montessori Practical Life 

Opening and closing the barrels.


Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
I Can Teach My Child
Home + School = Afterschool!

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