Friday, September 30, 2011

All About Trees

Mavi is 37 months old.

Want to share with you our themed activity this week which is all about trees!

I was really inspired to do this because we’ve got lots of wonderful and huge trees in our backyard.  So we just have to make use of its presence and I need to instill on Mavi the importance of trees in our life :)  Although we’ve done this before, we didn’t get the chance to do outdoor and nature trips.  And as I mentioned in that post that we will probably do this theme again, and I was glad that we did because the boy had so much fun learning about trees.

First we started discussing sizes of trees.  We went to a nearby park and showed the little guy what’s it like to be in a forest full of trees.


Then we ate ice cream on the field.  As we do, I discussed all about the shade that the tree behind us produced.


Back at home, play the matching game of tree shapes and sizes.  This is a homemade printable and the graphics where taken randomly from the internet.


I love that he loves matching games! And the sight of him concentrating while working is precious.


We made use of our 3-part nomenclature card for Parts of the Tress.  Again this is homemade. I was saving ink so I just colored it using our crayons.The book was given to him by his godfather on his 3rd birthday and it was very very useful.




And of course, we have to draw a tree!  As I was doing mine, I kept on discussing to him the color that I use in making a trunk, roots, grass, leaves etc.  He followed, and was doing his own version of a tree right beside me.

He’s making a trunk with branches.


Followed by green leaves. Later I told him we should add orange leaves to represent Fall.


And this is what he came up later on.  He added grass with red and pink flowers (he dictated the color), added yellow sun and blue skies.


Our felt Tree puzzle. 


Practice writing trees.  The first two he needed to trace (I wrote the tree word using a pencil), then later  he had to write the word tree on his own (no guide).


We made our outdoor tree using some twigs and braches and punched fallen leaves.  He enjoyed this.


And we explored more of the trees in our area.  I told him that trees are very important for they provide us fresh air, a place to rest and play, cool surroundings and lots lots more.  That we have to thank God for trees, for their existence.


My favorite favorite shot of him. He loves climbing tress!


Oh and that’s him playing underneath the tree.  It is such a gigantic tree that my son looked so little with it.


Till next time!

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