Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gingerbread Man

We’ve been reading the story of the Gingerbread Man these days and did a couple of activities to go along with the book.

Making Gingerbread Men(or women).  I made use of our paper bags and cut the gingerbread man pattern by freehand.  Then I made clothes for them using construction papers. I also decided to add some ornaments in case Mavi gets bored of using papers :)


I made each a face and my son was more than happy to dress them up... each one differently.


He worked through all the the gingerbread men.  If you look closely, he even added small dots representing buttons on each clothing, “Just like in the book Mama!” he said.


Then we also worked on the story sequencing.  We did this a couple of times, first using the book as a guide.  Then after working and reading the book over and over again he can sequence the printouts without my assistance.  He would even use our Safari Toobs animals to demonstrate the event that happened in the story.  I downloaded this from Homeschool Share.


Size sorting of gingerbread babies, got this from Homeschool Creations.


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