Wednesday, February 29, 2012

B4FIAR: Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?

Sharing to you the activities that we had to go along with Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? unit.  Sorry for the overdue post, we’ve been enjoying the outdoors these days... and that explains the less homeschool activities.

I dressed him in red shirt and blue pants... “Just like Jesse Bear Mommy!” he said.


Clipcards from Homeschool Creations.


Learning how to read, write and spell.


Sorting the foods  that Jesse Bear ate.  Surprisingly, he got it all correct.


Completing the pattern.


We use potatoes for stamping and he draw the family of Jesse Bear using oil pastels.


We had Bear in 4 Seasons craft.


Sort out clothing according to season.


After our sorting game, he wanted to show me his shoes too... and we arranged it according to season as well (winter, spring, summer and autumn).


Same thing with his coats and jackets LOL.


For math, we measure fruits and vegetables.


He loves to dress his bear :)


It was a fruitful unit.  He keeps on telling me “I love Jesse Bear Mommy, it’s my favorite!”.   And I love that fact that he enjoys the Before FIAR approach, that once in a while he gets to have an in depth knowledge of certain books and exposure to literature. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Learning how to Measure

Another activity we did for our Before FIAR unit last week was measuring fruits and vegetables using a ruler and a tape measure.  I list the names of the objects that we used on a paper and added two lines for each object for the result (ruler, tape measure).



We used the ruler to measure the height and ended up measuring the circumference using the tape measure.  Anyway, using the result I discussed why the the circumference has a bigger value compared to the height of the apple.




For the carrots, it was easy to measure the length using both medium.


Then he asked what’s the number on both sides of the ruler for.  Though it’s pretty early for me to discuss centimeters and inches, I explained it a little bit to him.  I realize that he gets confused on which side to use.  Maybe I should have used a customized measuring tool wherein there’s only one unit to use :)


Our record sheet.  It was fun!  Am thinking of measuring his body parts the next time we do measuring.  For sure he would love it!DSC_0879

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bear in 4 Seasons

Mavi is 41 months old.

We’re rowing Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? this week... and I included “the four seasons” as a side topic to go along with the book.  We accomplished this today and I might as well share it here.

We started by making him color the four teddy bears which I printed out on a cardstock.  It’s just a random clipart from Google... and I chose a simple image that we can simply cut and paste.  He traced the bears when he realized that the lines were no longer visible (covered by the brown crayon).


And he got tired along the way so he decided to color the remaining two bears on the manner shown on the picture below LOL.


Once he’s done with the bears, I told him that we will be setting up the four seasons in each paper and place each bear on it. 

He wanted to cut the yellow craft paper first so I decided that we should do “Summer”.  Here he’s cutting the paper so we can have a sun.


Once he glued the son, I described to him what is summer.  What can be seen on summer... and kept on saying “grasses, oceans, beaches and playing”.He made grasses, and glued them.  I was just there to guide him, he did 90% the work :)



We did spring next, where I cut some flowers.  When he glued it, he told me that the stems and leaves were missing, so he added those to each of the flowers.  Love love love it that he includes the stems and leaves here, it’s unbelievable that he was able to absorb what he learned from our plants and flower units.


In autumn I made leaves from different crafting paper.  I showed a leaf prototype and he made the rest.  He wants his version to be as detailed as mine so he added veins on each one.  Again, he enjoys cutting!




Winter was the last and I explained to him why we needed to use a blue paper instead of white.  Then we added a few snows and a snowman.


And this is what we ended up afterwards.  It would have been better if we dress up the bears according to season, but I wasn’t in the make one.  Maybe you can try it :)


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Still here!

Last week, we had visitors.  An ex-colleague and family stayed with us for days thus no home-based activities were done.  But, my little buy had a blast! He got playmates (our friend’s kids) and it was having a playground inside the house. 

This week we are having Before FIAR unit. I’ve got a lot of interesting activities in mind... I just hope the weather would cooperate.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Continent: Antarctica Unit (Arts and Crafts)

Mavi is 41 months old.  Last of the 3-parter post on our Antarctica Unit.  

My was in the food for drawing (which was timely) when we started the activities so it wasn’t that hard to convince him that we will draw the things he sees in our Antarctica pictures.  Then to give him an idea on what to do... I showed him a picture of a child’s art work.  I randomly Googled the picture by the way.


He made mountains and and added oceans.  The glitters were snow.


We usually work together... I work beside him.  Here’s what I did.  I know! It’s a work of a child LOL. Obviously I am not an artist (I went to Engineering school)!


My son’s work.  He kept telling me he wants to go Antarctica... he whines about it all the time.


Then there was a time I encouraged him to paint.... I showed him an artwork inspired by Antarctica but he insist that he wanted to paint his letters.  He’s been obsessed with alphabets for 2 years!


Another variation was to use watercolors. 


His painting.

DSC_0694  And this was mine.


And lastly, our penguin crafts.  And cutting is his favorite thing to do here!  grid

The finish product.  Supposedly, there will be glitters all over... but it was already 8PM :(DSC_0723

And that’s our entire unit Antarctica.  If you haven’t read the first two, here’s the link":  Part 1 and Part 2.

We will be doing Asia: Philippines next, but I still have to prepare my materials.  Hope it’ll be ready by March or April.

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