Monday, February 6, 2012

Continent: Antarctica Unit

Yehey! I was able to kick-off our Antarctica unit last week!  I’ll be sharing the first three days of our unit study, and how we go about on learning the continent.


Introduced the continent.  Discussed where Antarctica is located and why it’s surrounded with ice.


We read Usborne’s Antarctica.  The book is very informative, it got lots of ‘real’ pictures too that attracted my son all the more.  I printed out the map of Antarctica as well.  (FYI:  the map was through Google images)


I provided pictures from Google and instead of printing it on a cardstock, I have it developed in a photo paper to make it look credible.  The pictures were basically composed of icebergs seen in Antarctica, pictures of scientists working, tourists, transportations and other animals inhabiting the region.


I also used these pictures to tell a story... random story about a boy who wanted to explore Antarctica.  He loves to hear it over and over again.


I tried presenting him these postcards and stamps(Google).  But he just looked at them, ask me questions about the pictures in the cards and that’s it.  He didn’t appreciate it that much.  



Second day is all about Penguins.  As seen below,  I printed this document (Life Cycle of Penguins) which I read from here and got it from here.  Here I talked about how Penguins live and survive the cold and harsh weather in Antarctica.  How the Mommy and Daddy penguins care for their young and explore the ocean to look for foods to feed their chick.

We also watched “March of the Penguins” together.  Oh boy, he enjoyed the film!  He kept tell his Daddy all about the “bad bird” eating the baby penguin :)  Having seen the film, he would imitate the penguin’s walk around the house and would make their sounds.  It’s quite amazing how he developed an interest on these birds!


With our Penguin Safari Toob, I made control cards so we can play matching games with them. As we play along, I explained how each bird differs from each other.


Here he is matching the penguins with the control cards.


He loves playing puzzles and enjoys putting labels.  This is a homemade puzzle out of foam sheets.  I had this since last year and this is the first time we worked on it.  What I did here was selected a penguin outline from Google and cut its parts to form a puzzle.


I also purchased the 3-part card of to go along with our Antarctic unit.  My son is addicted to these cards! Really, I tell you... he loves loves loves nomenclature cards.



Here’s our little Antarctica.  My son helped in putting all the animals in the it.  I plan to get wooden trays in the this month so we can build a much interesting one.



There are also scientists who lives in Antarctica to do some research.  We discussed how they dress up and play pretend using this paperdoll which I got from here.   I also dressed my son (winter clothings) so he can pretend he is one of the scientist (no pictures though).


So aside from penguins, we learned about the different animals that live in Antarctica.  Aside from using our animal figures, I also made 3-part cards for these animals.  As much as I wanted to use real pictures, I decided to save some ink so I just used black-and-white pictures and color them using colored pens.


Here’s a closer look.


So far, my son’s interest was more on the animals.  He’s always fascinated with them especially if her learns about their habitat. He also liked the pictures he loves to hear me tell stories about them (and he likes to ASK a lot of questions about them too!).  So what I would probably do for other Continent units is to focus on materials that I know he’ll grasp immediately. And it will give me enough reason to add up “new” learning materials each year (rather than preparing materials in one blow!) as he progress.

Next would be math related activities and crafts.

Linking this to:

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  1. wow. looks like fun :) i will definitely be using some/most of these ideas lol. thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE your study of Antartica!! You did so many fun activities! I love all the gorgeous pictures for your son to look at. When we talk about Antartica - I'll be back =-) Thanks for linking up at TGIF! Have a GREAT week,
    Beth =-)

    1. Thanks Beth! Will be posting more Antarctica activities in the next few days :)

  3. So many fun and great activities Jae!!! You're little one is so lucky to have a mama like you :) Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday :) Hope to see you again this week.


    1. Thanks MiaB. Same as you... I think kids these days are so lucky to have Mothers who are very much aware and sensitive with early literacy. And I looove your crafts! Hoping that we could do some of your activities! I'm always procrastinating with crafts because my little boy tends to be messy LOL.

  4. I've been trying to decide what kind of homeschooling we would like to do. Watching you with the unit studies has got me thinking. What a fun way to study. More focus on one area than being all over. Thanks for posting for us to see.


    1. Veronica, I'm like that at times... trying to fit everything and I end up harassed and so stressed and it's like we're going nowhere. I've been doing this for almost 3 years now and I'm still a work in progress :) Thanks for dropping by... and I'm excited to see what your kids will do in the next few weeks :)

  5. Thanks Kylie! Need to keep him busy since we're stuck at home most of the time due to the freezing temp :(

  6. Awesome unit! Your materials are lovely ... so inviting! It's great how you've incorporated the penguins from the Penguin Safari Toob into different activities. Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I added your Antarctica posts to my Montessori-Inspired Arctic and Antarctic Unit at
