Saturday, October 26, 2013

Learning about SETS

Creating sets by sorting is for me a fundamental basis of virtual mathematics.  A set is basically a collection of objects with distinct properties.  And for kids, we do this mostly with the basic activity of sorting.

Since it's the midterm break, Mavi and I will be doing lots of math activities.  We'll be reviewing basic math concepts using manipulatives for retention :)

First on my list is the concept of "sets". 

For toddlers, this is just a sorting activity.  But for a kindergarten, I have to elaborate that it's all about making collections or groups. 


  • counters and other manipulatives (buttons, bear counters, patterning shapes)
  • instead of using a sorting cup or tray, I used colored cardstock


Here's how I set them all up on a table.  I prepared instructions on a strip of paper for him to read and work on. 


Each instruction varies, like: "set of seven red objects", "set of three blue buttons", "set of four squares".collageii 

And we also revisited our Numbers and Counters :)  My son loves this!  DSC_1654

We'll do basic addition and measuring next :)

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Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
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