Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Language and History Books

My books from Book Depository arrived yesterday. We were able to work on some grammar lessons using First Language Lessons Vol 1.  I have heard good reviews about this book (and the series) so I’m giving it a try.  The tools used in the book are memory work, copywork, narration and grammar (leading to a Charlotte Mason’s principles).   I observed the  A LOT of repetitions though. But that’s fine with me. I have nothing against that technique worked for me, especially with mathematics.  In case its too much for my son to handle I’ll just skip some pages LOL.

For our history, I got The Story of the World Vol 1.  I love world history and I can’t wait to use this with Mavi.  I bought a hardcopy of the book but purchased a PDF version of the activity book so I can reuse it with Vito.
Will update more on this as we progress. Happy Wednesday!

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