Monday, January 16, 2012

Learning about Flowers


I salvaged our dining table flowers and pull out a flower themed activities last week.


I made him dissect the flowers and I was so happy to see him in awe discovering what the flower is made up.  Using my Flower Nomenclature card, we first identified the parts using the real flower that we have.  For me, it would be easier for him to grasp the concept if we use real flowers instead of just playing around with printables.


I talked about the parts as we took each card, and the role it portrays in the whole plant system.  When we’re done exploring the parts and telling stories about it, we played the matching game using the nomenclature cards.  I am pretty amazed how he can easily match the labels even if he doesn’t know how to read it yet.


Then we did flower painting activities.  It’s been a long time since we had a painting activity and I was glad that he was more interested with it this time.   The moment I placed the paints in front of him, he knows exactly what to paint... clouds and trees!


I later asked him if he could paint some flowers.  He asked me to show him how to do it which I did.  A moment later, I came back to check on his work and saw this painting of a red flower.  I was speechless!  He hasn’t done any painting activity before and he came up with this! 

jarmieprofile31 (1 of 1)

With this I am so inspired to teach him more... more ideas on what to paint. 

We will be doing more plants and flowers activity in the next few days and I hope it’ll be as fun and enjoyable as this.

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  1. What a great way to learn and play with flowers! Dissecting flowers is a favorite activity for my daughter when we play outside. Well, that is when we actually have flowers growing outside.

  2. wow looks like you've got a budding artist. very cool.

  3. Your plant and flower posts are awesome, Jae! I love the way you combined dissecting a flower with the cards! I featured your plant posts and your dissecting-a-flower photo in my Montessori-Inspired Gardening Unit at

  4. can you post you cards to take print outs?

  5. Thank you Liza. And thank you for taking the time to see my older blog :) I love journalizing my son's learning process.
