Friday, January 20, 2012

More Plants and Flower Activities

Supplemental activities for our Plants and Flower theme:

We discussed how buds became flowers.


Flower puzzle and while completing it, we discussed the different parts by placing the labels on the correct parts.


This is how it looked like when he completed it.  My bad, I didn’t have any guide/control cards so I I guided him a little where to put the exact location of the stamens.  Though there’s an outline provided on the paper as his guide. 


Other activities include reading books and looking at different types of flowers.  Then we replicate those flowers using our art papers.  He was fascinated with the different shapes and colors of the flower.   


Practicing pincer grasp by pin pricking the flower shape.  This is his first time to do such an activity and wasn’t into it.  And he doesn’t want to prick on the outline... he’s more interested pricking on the spaces :)


With our “plant” theme... we walked around the estate and discussed the different type of plants that he sees.  And we took a sample of each part (except for the roots)... from flowers to stem. We brought it at home and identified each one juxtaposed the Plants Nomenclature card which I purchased from MPS.


See him in action doing the plant’s 3-part cards, paper crafts, coloring the parts of a plant and discussing the life cycle of a plant via a book which was given to him by hi godparents.


Well... ‘twas an activity my son truly enjoyed.  Hopefully, we can revisit this theme by Spring or Summer :)

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  1. For 3 1/2 years old he's very bright. Can't believe he writes that well. I guess all kids have their own talents. I'm grateful that my 4 year old loves reading and is excelling at it. When summer comes and I have access to flowers I'm going to do a week of flowers like you have done.

    1. Yes, kids are all naturally gifted... some just open their presents early :) My son is still on the stage of "pretend read" and he can only read words he's familiar with... and that's my target for this year to do more reading activities. Before we used to do child-led activities. But this year since he'll be going to preschool by fall, I want to start some formal schooling session in our daily activities. Hope to organize my plans so I can post about it :) Thanks!

  2. Love your flower puzzle! Way more fun than just labeling it on a black & white worksheet =) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT week,
    Beth =-)
