Sunday, November 4, 2012

Artist Study ~ Leonardo da Vinci [2] (PRINTABLE)

We’re done learning about the life and works of da Vinci, it’s time to have our own version of his works.

Starting with Mona Lisa.  We talked about the colors used of da Vinci and of what it is to paint a portrait.DSC_0933For his own rendition, he picked colors green (for the trees on the background), orange (background), purple for the color of the dress and black.  He draw the face first as a guide then applied paints.


And of course, not forgetting the famous smile :)


And here’s my son’s Mona Lisa


And my son didn’t stop there, he wanted to paint The Last Supper as well.  As I mentioned previously, this is his favorite painting of da Vinci.




And here’s what it looks like after he added paints :)


In line with our study I created art cards of da Vinci’s works that we used as 3 part cards.  You can download get it here.  I advice you should read the first part of this post to learn how to use the cards.

Happy Sunday!


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Montessori Monday

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