Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rocks, rocks and rocks!

Mavi started collecting rocks lately.  Everytime I pick him up from school he would always bring a rock with him... and would say that it’s his collection.  Funny because he doesn’t have a collection.  Once we arrive at home forgets about the rock and so I just simply throw them in the bin.  But yesterday, when we were at the library and he specifically handed me these books (about rocks) and asked me if we could study rocks.  And how could I not resist!


And that’s what we did.  To be honest, I’m hesitant with rocks for the reason that I don’t have resources.  And it’s untimely to do go out and collect rocks due to the freezing temperature.  

Then I realized I can make my own “printable” rock cards.  It may not be as real as an art kit... but it’s close to that anyway LOL. I often forget collecting rocks during our travels :(


There are three group of rocks:  igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.  I made us a rocks cards, 5 samples for each group.  All pictures in the cards were taken from  But I edited out the background because I don’t have enough ink to print it.








You get a copy of the materials from here. Just note that ALL THE PICTURES USED were taken from  I just removed the colored background of the images because I am saving printer ink.

Aside from reading the books and examining the pictures, we also watched this video in youtube.  It’s a short presentation of the three groups of rocks, and is animated. 

We’ll be doing experiments in the next few days, recreating these rocks.

Stay tuned!


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Montessori Monday

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